
①Soft-ban的症狀是「高速移動後」一段時間內無法正常使用遊戲的功能。坐完公車或捷運發現補給站沒出東西、抓寵物一下就跑、打不了道館的話就是被Soft- ...,評分4.8(1,268)ThebestwaytounbanPokemonGoistogotothePokestopandspinthecoinsabout40timesinarowuntilthePokestop'scolorturnspurple.Also,youcan ...WhyDoesPokemonGoSoft...·TheDurationofaPokemon,AsoftbanisPokémonGO'swayofgentlytellingyou,“Hey,something'snotr...

怕自己被誤BAN?遊戲限制解封Q&A ※請停止使用第三方程式,813 ...

①Soft-ban的症狀是「高速移動後」一段時間內無法正常使用遊戲的功能。 坐完公車或捷運發現補給站沒出東西、抓寵物一下就跑、打不了道館的話就是被Soft- ...

Pokemon GO Soft Ban: How to Remove It in 2025?

評分 4.8 (1,268) The best way to unban Pokemon Go is to go to the Pokestop and spin the coins about 40 times in a row until the Pokestop's color turns purple. Also, you can ... Why Does Pokemon Go Soft... · The Duration of a Pokemon

Pokémon GO Soft Ban 2025

A soft ban is Pokémon GO's way of gently telling you, “Hey, something's not right.” It's not as harsh as a full-on ban, but it temporarily ... What Actions Trigger a... · How to Detect If a Pokémon...

What is a soft ban in Pokemon Go?

To differentiate it from a hard ban, or permanent ban, which erases a player's account from the game entirely, the term soft ban is used.

I seem to have been soft banned, but I'm not a spoofer????

The easiest way to get a soft ban is to click on a pokemon, but don't catch it. Later after driving some distance, then catch it at the destination.

Soft ban = myth, Cool Down = reality : rPokemonGoSpoofing

The term soft ban is from the early days when you messed up a teleport and couldn't spin stops or catch anything, but weren't really banned.

[2025] An Effective Way to Avoid Pokemon Go Soft Ban

What Actions Will Trigger Pokemon Go Soft Ban Time · Catching a wild Pokémon · An accidental drop of a ball on the encounter screen (also applicable to raids) ...

How to Remove and Avoid Soft Ban in Pokemon Go 2025

A soft ban usually lasts for a short duration, so it's advisable to wait it out. However, if that's not what you want, you can spin PokeStops ... Part 3: How to Remove Soft... · Part 4: How to Avoid Soft Ban...


Yes we have cool downs in Pokemon that will punish you for playing to hard. Although it's made for cheaters, normal players can still ...